Monday, December 31, 2007

And the Winner is ...

I bet you guys thought I forgot all about the Dog-eared Soul's Book of the Year. I held off on announcing the winner as I was a little slow in distributing some of my Christmas gifts and I didn't want to give away the surprise.

The book that moved me most in the past year was unquestionably Tahar Ben Jelloun's This Blinding Absence of Light. I believe that it is possible to be fundamentally changed by what you read and this book made me stop and take a look at my life from a different perspective. It was a tough choice for a couple of reasons. I'm not sure that all my friends are going to like it. While it ultimately delivers a message of hope and strength, there's also a lot of despair and, well, madness, in this novel. It's not a fun read and I think you have to be in the right frame of mind to engage with the text.

I also considered not selecting it because it is, almost, non-fiction. What do I mean "almost, non-fiction?" Well, I don't know. Is it a memoir? I hope not -- I've categorically stated that I'm not a fan of the memoir. Is it a fictionalized account of true events? Maybe. Does it make its message any less powerful if all of the elements didn't really happen? Again, I don't think so, but I'm not totally sure. I say -- pick it up, read it, and judge for yourself. And if you have any thoughts on the matter, please share.

Best to all for 2008. I wish you health, laughter, and a soul that dances on the wind.


VL said...

Happy New Year to you too, d-e-s!!!

Tahar Ben Jelloun's This Blinding Absence of Light, eh? Hmm. Let's see if I have a few pennies left....

dog-eared soul said...

i have a copy you can have ... seeing you is definitely worth giving up a book. even one as awesome as this.