Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Roses are Red, Violets are Not ...

The Eaten Heart: Unlikely Tales of Love
Giovanni Boccaccio
Penguin Books

In honour of St. Valentine's Day, I figured I should post an entry about love. Don't laugh -- I know I'm not exactly considered an authority on the subject (can you say disaster with boys?) Thankfully, Boccaccio was an Italian living on the verge of the Renaissance and as such, I'd say that he knew all about the painful, beautiful, exciting, dreadful, angst-ridden, most joyful of all emotions.

The Eaten Heart is a series of tales excerpted from Boccaccio's Decameron. The year is 1348 and ten very witty and charming Florentines flee their plague-filled city and retreat to the country where they tell each other tales to pass the time. Unlike his literary predecessor, Dante, Boccaccio is no moralist and his stories are filled with humour, bawdy language, sex and intrigue. A lot of really good aphorisms have come out of this text, but my favourite has to be, "One woman could exhaust many men, whereas many men can't exhaust one woman." So who cares if it is a little anti-feminist? It's pretty funny and the fact that it said by an old woman encouraging a young wife to cheat on her husband makes me laugh even more. Three point five cupids out of five.

And oh, the title for this week's entry? I'll buy dinner for the person who comes up with the most creative/funniest completion to the poem.


Anonymous said...

My ode to Saint Valentine

Roses are red
violets are not;

Trite sent'ments of flow'rs
your saint day's become fraught.

Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species. --W. Somerset Maugham


Anonymous said...

I love you so much
I'd eat your snot!

dog-eared soul said...

Hey out there,

We've had a couple of more entries from an occasional reader:

Roses are Red, Violets are Not ...
Buy me Prada or your sleeping on the cot.

Roses are Red, Violets are Not ...
If you weren’t in your 40s, I’d undress you on the spot.

I like 'em! Keep the entries coming -- contest doesn't close until midnight tonight!

Anonymous said...

Happy VD to all!

dog-eared soul said...

Hey y'all,

Thanks to everyone for the fabulous entries. Not all of them could be posted due to the, ahem, adult nature of some of the poems. Dirty ...

So, it was a unanimous decision. The winner for this year's Valentine's poetry contest is (insert longish drumroll here ....) AC*SE in YXU. Congrats. Good use of the word fraught. Completely underutilized in my opinion.

Maybe next year I'll post another fragment to complete. Aw, hell ... why don't we come up with limericks for St. Patrick's Day? Now that sounds like fun.


Oh, and thanks to Anonymous who wished us all a happy STD. To you as well, oh anonymous one.