Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddio

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
Stieg Larsson

My dad's birthday was on Friday and I find that I miss him terribly.  It will soon be a year since he passed away and not a day goes by that my heart doesn't ache for him.  Losing a parent sucks no matter how old you are and I would give almost anything to have him back.  Sigh.  No one said life was fair.

So, I'm wondering if it is any sort of coincidence that I picked this weekend to read the final installment Larsson's Millennium series.  Honestly, this is crime writing at its best and almost everyone to whom I have introduced these novels have asked to borrow the second and third books.

In Hornet's Nest, Lisbeth Salander is recovering in the hospital from a gunshot wound to her head.  Her treatment at the hands of the Swedish government is a secret that cannot get out and the Zalachenko club within the secret police conspire to make the story go away.  Salander is charged with the attempted murder of her father (she did, after all, take an axe to his face,) and she must construct her defense from within her isolated hospital room with only her lawyer to help her.  Well, that and maybe a little bit of outside help from Mikael Blomkvist.

I half expected this novel to be quite slow and plodding.  Most of the action happened in the previous two books and the purpose of this volume was to tie up the loose ends.   While I'm willing to admit that it could have been as a result of my mood, I devoured this story and read it in huge hungry chunks. If I'm sad that Salander and Mikael will no longer be a part of my life, I'm happy that in a few years, I can re-read these wonders and enjoy them all over again.  If it were only so easy with real people.  I miss you Dad.  xok.

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