Saturday, November 15, 2008

Teenage Fangst

Stephanie Meyer
MT Books - Little Brown

While I don't normally give into peer pressure, I picked up this book because it has suddenly appeared on the reading lists of many of my friends. The publisher's blurb describes it as a kind of modern day Romeo and Juliet set in the Pacific Northwest. And yes, while it is directed at a young adult audience, it is another book about vampires. I'm sorry -- serious-minded folk should stop reading right now. My next post will have something with substance (and reflection). I promise.

If I'm being generous, I'd say that author takes a conventional, over-used narrative and at least tries to do something interesting. The main characters are Bella and Edward. She's an ethereal beauty who has just moved from the land of sun and energy to a small town in Washington State. He's a 100-year old conscience-plagued vampire, enrolled as a junior in high school since he was only 17 when he was transformed. Of course, they are partners in Biology class and the chemistry is electric. Wait, I mean biology ... oh ... you get the idea. I never really was that interested in science.

Regardless, as much as I would like to share my friends' enthusiasm, the best that I can say is that the book had some genuinely sweet moments. The author is able to channel the roller coaster of emotions of a teen in love and for that, I have to give her at least a little credit. Twilight gets two murky stars out of five.

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