Friday, November 03, 2006

On the Road Again

Once y'all come to know me a little bit better, you'll realize that one of the advantages of my crazy lifestyle is that it affords me ample time to read. Yep -- I'm one of those not-so-nerdy software types who travels to exotic locales such as Cleveland, OH and Madison, WI. Alright, it doesn't all suck ... I occasionally do some overseas stuff too, but mostly I hang out in airport lounges across North America.

In my opinion, there are rules to picking a good travel book:
  1. No hardcovers! Between paperwork, the laptop, and emergency toiletries, who's got room?
  2. No John Grisham. If a handsome man sits next to me, I want to be reading something sexy and intriguing.
  3. No chicklit. Shudder. (And not in a good way.)
  4. No fantasy literature. While previous entries in this blog can attest to the fact that I LOVE fantasy, if the book has multiple narratives and an army of characters, it is just way too hard to pick up/put down without a tonne of rereading.
  5. No self-help or business books. Why advertise the fact that I have issues?

Happily, this week's travel book, The End by "Lemony Snicket," doesn't violate any of the above mentioned dictums. It was a fun read and will be the subject of my next entry. Stay tuned ...

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